Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Date Night for us and a sleepover for the girls at Nana's!!

Of course this is what date night looks like for us... pictures of the girls having fun when we are away!! My mom has been great about watching the girls for us about once a month so we can go have a normal conversation! It takes awhile to get back to normal conversation. We find ourselves sitting there not saying much for the first 15 minutes of dinner... and then we just cant stop talking!! Funny thing though... most of our conversation is about the girls and we start wondering what they are doing... Maybe we should go pick them up early??? Nah!!! :) So we went to see Dreamgirls on this date night and we were SHOCKED that ticket prices were $7.50!!! Seriously, we couldnt get over it. I guess thats how long its been since we have seen a movie, but we decided that we wont be seeing anymore movies on date night. We have to enjoy the conversation with eachother while we can.

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